Thursday 15 September 2011

Help Me Stop Masturbating - 4 Solutions to the Freedom You've Been Seeking

Every find yourself saying, "Please, someone help me stop masturbating once and for all!" If so, you are not alone. Someone I knew personally helped me stop masturbating by providing a few tips to give me encouragement and helped guide me to expert resources that showed me how to handle such a powerful addiction with determination and success. There is nothing like having people who have been there in your corner.
In this article I will show you how that person did help me stop masturbating as well as getting over various types of pornography addiction so I could get on with my life. Below are three tips that will help get you on the right mental track to stop masturbation & pornography addiction so you can live and enjoy your life with freedom!

#1 Do not torture yourself for your past failures or slip ups. Learn to move on from where you are.
Too many people out there who want to stop masturbating have learned to torture themselves emotionally and mentally after slipping up. Sexually related addictions tend to dwell in peoples mind overbearingly for different reasons. Some of these reasons include the embarrassment of sharing this struggle publicly as it is considered private in nature. Another reason has to do with the fact that many individuals see this habit as one that separates them from religion, god, and true self.
Too move on from this addiction you have to stop dwelling and thinking about your mistakes in such a negative light all the time. Have you ever found a young person trying to learn a new sport or project and they start to get frustrated saying "I'll never amount to anything. I can't do this!" We all know that this doesn't help them. They must develop a good attitude to succeed. Similarly you must free yourself from much of this guilt and shame to find the hope needed.

#2 Separate the desire to masturbate and the desire to feed that need.
The individual who did help me stop masturbating taught me that the addiction often overwhelms humans because there is more to it then simply the innate human urge. It would be hard enough if you only had to learn to stop masturbating when it's a natural human urge all by itself, but we live in a world of pornography. It is on T,V, the Internet, magazines, and even your imagination locks on to these images. You must deal with the enablers such as pornography while you deal with tendency to masturbate. You can't conquer the one without conquering the other.

#3 Acknowledge the specific reasons you must stop masturbating and how you'll be better off.
It is important to find out what the addiction to masturbation is drawing you away from in life. I had to ask myself why I wanted someone to help me stop masturbating. Once I answered this question, my purpose and goals became much more clear. I wrote these things down and had added drive in my life since I knew what I was working for. Write down the reasons you want to move on. Keep this information close to you.

#4 Find a system that works and take immediate action!
This is probably the most important lesson I took from the who I'd asked to help me stop masturbating. A proven system backed by experts is everything! Do not try to do this alone. Ask yourself, how successful you have been trying to conquer this innate human desire by yourself? If the answer is "not very" than it's time to go to help, find proven sources and invest in methods that have worked for others.

If you ever have plead for helped and thought, "Please, someone help me stop masturbating! " then keep trying, get a real system and never give up hope.

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